siapa sangka banyak pelajaran dari “hanya sebuah film animasi”…
janji posting di blog lagi sama seorang sahabat yg mau mendengar lagi cerita2 ku menaklukkan dunia… halah…
kmren sambil istirahat di rumah… (maklum, habis mudik trus masuk angin)… nonton film nya Walt Disney yg buatan taon 2007 (klo g salah, hbs tulisan taon di endingnya kecil sie…) “Meet the Robinsons”, rada ketinggalan kali yah… ne dh 2008 soalnya, tapi gpp lah…
film nie nyeritain ttg seorang anak jenius (yg ditaro di panti asuhan oleh ibunya saat masi bayi) yg nntinya jadi seorang ilmuwan yg banyak nyiptain temuan2 baru. namun sayang, anak ini (namanya Lewis) waktu kecilnya suka ga pede, gara2 temuannya sering mledak gtu klo pas dicoba.

ternyata temuannya itu diincar oleh seorang dri masa depan (Pria Bertopi Bundar), dan dia diingatkan sama seorang anak (Wilbur Robinsons) yg juga dri masa dpn ttg orang jahat itu. tapi Lewis ngga percaya smpe akhirnya dia diajak ke masa depan tempat di mana Wilbur dan kluarganya tinggal. Nah dari situ mulai muncul kejadian2 seru, lucu, dan gak diduga2…
film ini ngajarin klo hidup itu harus terus maju (KEEP MOVING FORWARD), jangan pernah menyerah..
liat aja quote di bgn ending-nya…
Around here, however, we don’t
look backwards for very long.We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and
doing new things, because we’re curious…
and curousity keeps leading us down new paths.Walt Disney
Nonton ajah… biar liat sendiri endingnya kyk apa
oke deh film ini…
dan satu lagi.. OST-nya yg jadi ending film ini lho
bikin klenger… (Rob Thomas gtu…) bikin merenung… bagus deh…
ini liriknya…
Little Wonders
by. Rob Thomas
Let it go
Let it roll right off your shoulder
Don’t you know
The hardest part is over
Let it in
Let your clarity define you
In the end
We will only just remember how it feels
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Time falls away,
But these small hours
These small hours
Still remain
Let it slide
Let your troubles fall behind you
Let it shine,
Till you feel it all around you
And I don’t mind
If it’s me you need to turn to
We’ll get by
It’s the heart that really matters in the end
Our lives are made
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These small hours
Still remain
All of my regret
Will wash away somehow
But I cannot forget
the way I feel right now
In these small hours
These little wonders
These twists and turns of fate
Yeah, these twisted turns of fate
Time falls away
Yeah, but these small hours,
These small hours
Still remain
Yeah, oh they still remain
These little wonders
All these twists and turns of fate
Time falls away
But these small hours
These little wonders
Still remain