gak jelas!!!!!
hmmpfhh begini lagi begitu lagi…
cuma 4 lagu aja yg nemenin aku akhir2 ini
mreka adalah “Dream Theater- The Spirit Carries On”, “Rob Thomas – Little Wonders” (yg ini dh pernah diposting), “Ello – Masih Ada”, n “Chris Daughtry – Home”…
yap, refleksi hati saat ini..
akhirnya ngrasain juga gmn rasanya jadi hon eng (klo kta dia sie jadi t4 sampah curhatan tmn2) he3x. 4 lagu tadi itulah sbnrnya yg bikin hati ini lumayan tentrem klo dgr kisah2 yg dicurhatin tmn2. yah, dan kisah2 spt curhatan tmn2 ini pasti masih akan bergulir di dunia ini, namanya juga dunia…
spirit carries on, sering aku nyanyiin brg patha (senasip sie)..
IF I DIE TOMORROW… maapin ya temen2 yg mrasa disakiti, dibohongi, ditindas, dibikin keki, dibikin nangis, dibikin jengkel, marah, dsb. dibikin tersinggung juga… pokoke aku minta maaaaappp bgt. salah yg disengaja ato nggak, yg aku tau ato nggak, yg tampak ato nggak tampak.. maap klo ada janji yg kubuat sma kalian blm juga terlaksana.. he3x. maap lagi..
klo lagu ello, itu lagu sontreknya aku klo liburan, enak euy… jdi pgn ikut liburan sama bang ello. huhuhu.. kog aku g diajak jadi model vidklip nya ya??? :p
HOME, reminds me of my home… klo dgr lagu ini inget harry keteb (kmn y anak itu?) apa gara2 karokean dlu y jadi inget dia klo dgr ni lagu.. ini nih liriknya…
i’m staring out into the night
trying to hide the pain
i’m going to the place where love
and feeling good don’t ever cost a thing
and the pain you feel’s a different kind of pain
i’m going home
back to the place where i belong
and where your love has always been enough for me
i’m not running from
no, i think you got me all wrong
i don’t regret this life i chose for me
but these places and these faces are getting old
so i’m going home
the miles are getting longer, it seems
the closer i get to you
i’ve not always been the best man or friend for you
but your love remains true
and i don’t know why
you always seem to give me another try
i’m going home
back to the place where i belong
and where your love has always been enough for me
i’m not running from
no, i think you got me all wrong
i don’t regret this life i chose for me
but these places and these faces are getting old
becareful what you wish for
’cause you just might get it all
you just might get it all
and then some you don’t want
becareful what you wish for
’cause you just might get it all
you just might get it all… yeah
i’m going home
back to the place where i belong
and where your love has always been enough for me
i’m not running from
no, i think you got me all wrong
i don’t regret this life i chose for me
but these places and these faces are getting old
i said these places and these faces are getting old
so i’m going home…
i’m going home…
yep, itulah liriknya… dari 4 lagu itu bljr bersyukur, bljr tuk g putus asa dan bisa bangkit dari yg namanya jatoh, qe3x…
khusus untuk lagu HOME itu, lirik “i don’t regret this life i chose for me” dan “becareful what you wish for, ’cause you just might get it all, and then some you don’t want” itu paling mengena… ya, aku g pernah nyesel jadi seorang ninki, bahkan klo dkasi ksmpatan terlahir kmbali, aku pilih jadi ninki. hehe3x, trus untuk lirik satu lagi, emg musti kudu ati2 sama omongan kita, walo cuman omongan doank sie, tapi klo ternyata omongan kita di-aminin malaikat gmn? pdhl sebenernya kita gak mao klo itu kjadian sma kita.. hehehe…
dan khusus buat tmnku yg curhat, tenang aja da… spt yg dh pernah kubilang, you’ll never walk alone… masih ada aku kog.. he3x. dan satu yg aku inget, “merpati g pernah ingkar janji” :p semoga cepet ketemu sma merpati-mu ya, da… 🙂 dan ketika Allah memberimu kesedihan yg bertubi-tubi, yakinlah bakal diganti kebahagiaan yg bertubi-tubi juga… Amien. 🙂